Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino
International Festival Signs of the Night - Urbino

18° Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino (4° Editione) - March 24th - 28th, 2021






March 25th - 27th, 2021


SMARGINATURE liberaci dal male
Gabriele di Munzio
Italy / 2020 / 0.42:00

Via Atri, S. Lorenzo district, in the historic centre of Naples. The pandemic forces people to seclusion. The ‘noisy’ archival footage designed for the film with Claudia falls flat on the silence of the empty town, and the secret intimacy of the moment when mother and son lock eyes for the first time. The neighbours music pours in the street, to me it’s like poetry (with the rare passers-by becoming actors), for others an unbearable torture. Sara sent footage of the Pacific Coast from Colombia, she cannot stand the virus lock down anymore, me neither i guess; I need to let my legs loose to remove the thoughts; I end up a few km from home, in the church of Piazza del Carmine. I look for the miraculous crucifix, but I only find another one. I am told it works all the same, but I find out I can’t pray. I meet a young woman and an old man who at least try to. The devotees of Our Lady of the Arc cannot roam like they used to, they hide, they gather; home again, on the phone with Claudia telling me her precious tale.


What Makes Us Weaker, Makes Us Closer
Nicola Zambelli
Italy / 2020 / 0:22:00


"In the popular district of Carmine in Brescia, in the months following the most acute phase of the pandemic, a group of citizens begins an action of solidarity for food distribution called "Food for All". For over a year, "Food for All" manages to collect resources and basic necessities for about 1500 people a week. The film was designed for a video installation on three screens of three meters, within a homonymous multimedia exhibition in space C.AR.M.E., inaugurated behind closed doors on the eve of the second lock-down. The exhibition has been fully disseminated on-line and has managed to give impetus and visibility to the action of popular solidarity, with the exhibition set up within the spaces of CARME art center but not open to the public. The exhibition ended in early January, "Food for All" continues its action in the neighborhood during 2021."

Nel quartiere popolare Carmine di Brescia, nei mesi seguenti la fase più acuta della pandemia, un gruppo di cittadini inizia un'azione di solidarietà per la distribuzione alimentare dal nome "Cibo per tutti". Per alcuni mesi, "Cibo per tutti" riesce a raccogliere risorse e beni di prima necessità per circa 1500 persone a settimana. Il filmato è stato pensato per una videoinstallazione su tre schermi di tre metri, all'interno di un omonima mostra multimediale nello spazio C.AR.M.E., inaugurata a porte chiuse la vigilia del secondo lock-down. La mostra è stata interamente divulgata on-line ed è riuscita a dare impulso e visibilità all'azione di solidarietà popolare, ripartita a novembre all'interno degli spazi di CARME, con la mostra allestita ma non visitabile. La mostra si è conclusa a inizio gennaio, "Cibo per tutti" prosegue la sua azione nel quartiere.


La gabbia di Nizar
Mirco Valenzai
Italy / 2020 / 0:17:11

When Nizar’s application for political asylum is rejected by the Italian authorities, the young Tunisian finds himself stripped of his most basic rights overnight. After meeting Agostino, a local gym owner and MMA trainer, Nizar discovers his talent for the sport, eventually taking up pro MMA fighting as a means of turning his life around. Perhaps, among other local athletes, he will find the family he has left behind.






